Thursday, April 28, 2011

6 Reasons to Have a child

Lately I have reminded myself why I love being a parent, I thought writing them down would keep them in perspective for me and others.

1) You will never laugh more than when your child is playing
2) Watching your child sleeping next to you like a beautiful doll will melt any heart
3) When you need a hug they are always there staring at you ready with open arms
4) They teach you the patience you need to get through life
5) You have the best reason to live for: Your child needs you and you need them
6) Your house is never quiet but full of laughter and life

So a little Devil's advocate, 6 reasons not to have kids:

1) You will not only come in contact with but have to clean up every known bodily fluid at some point
2) You can't own nice things because milk, paint, crayon and other staining objects are always being used
3) There are nights you will not sleep, have to get up every 2 hours, stay up late, get up at 5am because children get sick, scared or run on their own clock.
4) Spontaneous trips or outings are impossible because the diaper bag, high chair, crib need to be packed and you need to drive home for blankey if it is forgotten
5)Goodbye Prime Time TV: Hello Barney, Blue's Clue's, Pooh Bear and Veggie Tales
6) You do not get to rest in bed and have someone take care of you when you are sick, you need to be making soup for the sick child no matter how you feel

Either way, I think the reasons to have a child are way better than the reasons not to.  I am thankful I get to experience all of these things everyday!

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