Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I thought I could explain the meaning of the J's of it all.  Everything in my life is a J.  J's really are my all.  My last name starts with it.  My middle name starts with it.  My name is Julie, husband is Jon, baby is Jasmine and the cat is Jinx.  My life truly is filled with J's. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First things First

I am pretty sure I cloned myself.  My daughter is like my mini me.  She has the same sly grin I get right before I get into trouble.  I just wish I knew what to expect from her.  Babies should really come with a how to guide.  After they turn one, they turn into something so different.  They are so smart! Toddlers are their own species, able to learn very quickly, trick people into things using their cuteness and when they do not get their way unleash a meltdown. My little one, Jasmine, is at times the cutest little angel ever to set foot on this planet but at other times she is a wild woman! In 48 hours she managed to learn how to get into her high chair by mountain climbing into it, pulled the cat's tail after baiting him with Goldfish crackers, and hid her Dvd player causing a 30 minute search for it and then ran off with it as soon as we found it in the closet under a stack of books.  As I write this she is sleeping in her crib, its the best moments of silence I can get.  The only time in my day when I do not need to be taking care of a husband, I can pretend the living room does not look like a toy bomb exploded, and I can plan how to strike.  Strike, you ask?  Just as I am a mother, wife, cook, baker, maid, photographer, butler, and playmate I am an army general.  Except, I do not fight Iraq, Iran, Terrorists or other well known threats.  No, I have a much closer threat.  I spend time each morning planning how to preemptively take on my opposing Army, the Toddler.  It is her daily goal yes to love me and be a beautiful little girl but also to cover our home with toys, hide cookies for later, leave sippy cups in toy boxes, and chase the cat.  Luckily, I have Goldfish crackers, Nilla Wafers and Barney in my weapons stock.  If I can finish my day with a meal on the table, house cleaned up and Jasmine in bed on time, today I won the battle.   Don't get me wrong, I love my little girl.  She is the smartest little thing I have ever known.  Her hugs melt my heart and seeing her dance to barney makes me laugh in even the darkest moments.  Having her was the best thing I ever did.  She has taught me so much and helped mold me into a great mother.  I look forward to watching her grow into a beautiful woman, but until then, I need to figure out how to to get chocolate milk out of the carpet.